Creating equitable, sustainable, and innovative educational projects using robotic telescopes
11:00 - 11:15
Co-author: Alice Hopkinson
My aim for this talk is to show how to scale education programmes and make them sustainable. I will use the Global Sky Partners as a case study. The Global Sky Partners is the flagship educational project from Las Cumbres Observatory. It addresses the key question of how to run an efficient and sustainable education programme in astronomy. Las Cumbres Observatory is a homogeneous network of 25 telescopes, across 7 professional observatory sites. They do not operate in the same manner as a traditional observatory, as observations are queue scheduled with an algorithm deciding which observatory takes the data. We wanted to use this network effectively without needing to expand the education support team. Global Sky Partners was the answer. In this talk I will discuss how having calling for proposals for educational projects to use telescope time, and working with education delivery partners across the globe, impacted 100,000 individuals in 2022. A core audience for this programme are disadvantaged or underrepresented communities, which in 2022 represented over 58% of the users.
Main Hall - Health Sciences 610
Main Hall - Health Sciences 610
Day 3 - Fri 12th May
[Workshop] - Let’s learn with AstroEDU!
10:30 - 12:00
Livia Giacomini, Stefano Sandrelli, Silvia Casu
Aimed at in-person participants
How do you transform an in-person educational project that you have developed in classroom in an online activity that teachers from all over the world can easily replicate? In this workshop, we will show the process of optimization and publication of an educational activity in AstroEDU (, IAU open-access platform for educational peer-reviewed activity. After an overview of some examples of activities that have been published, the participants will be engaged in the process of finalizing an education activity to propose it for publication in AstroEDU.The participants will be divided in groups and each group will be guided by a facilitator of the editorial board in the interactive process of analyzing and discussing a case study to be optimized for the reviewing process of AstroEDU. After the workshop, participants will be invited to submit their own activities to AstroEDU for publication.