Rafael Hernandez & Bernardo Cervantes Sodi – Institute for Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics (IRyA) UNAM
The work of science communication at IRyA have as mission to maintain contact with society through outreach programs aimed at the public of all ages. As part of this work, we have approached groups of teachers in the state of Michoacán with the purpose of generate a multiplier effect in the classrooms, with the intention of improving the understanding of topics related to Physics and Mathematics through astronomical knowledge.
The project considers the previous experience considering three approaches. The first approach was in 2019, focus on groups of teachers in suburban areas with predominantly indigenous populations, including a preliminary assessment of the approach. From 2020 to 2021, due to pandemic emergency for COVID-19, we were forced to migrate the channel to online work using TICs in accelerated way with teachers of different parts of our state, product of the circumstances. At the present time, we are implementing a global diagnostic and an evaluation of the work done online during 2022 with the aim of adapting the materials and the approach in accordance with the necessities of the population, selecting the optimal tools for teachers to bring the astronomical knowledge to students in their schools.
We are working in a mixed approach with short and long-term goals with the intention cover and adapt the specific needs of the focus group, expanding the infrastructure in our institution
in terms of outreach and education.